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Instructions for Authors (regular and special issues)


A checklist for submissions

Before you send your submission to the journal for review, you can check it against this list. For more information, please refer to the relevant section of this Instructions for Authors.

Make sure the following elements are there:

The corresponding author has been identified and provided with contact information as follows:
  • Name, E-mail address

Manuscript must include:

  • Keywords;
  • Relevant and qualitative figures (which have a title);
  • Tables (which have a title, description, footnotes);
  • Check that all figure/ table citations in the text correspond to the files provided;
  • All sources listed in the references section are cited in the article, and vise – versa;
  • The paper has been "spell checked" & "grammar checked".

Prior to start

Publication ethics

Kindly check our information on Statement of Publication Ethics, Malpractice and Peer Review Policies.


Preprints may be distributed at any time and everywhere on request.

Inclusive language use

Authors should check that their manuscript is written using plural nouns (“researchers, engineers, clients”), in order to avoid as much as possible the use of personal pronouns „he”/”she”. We also advise against using personal characteristics like gender, age, ethnicity, race, and disability when they are not appropriate and essential for the study.

Contributions of Authors

We suggest to the authors that they highlight their manuscript's individual contributions, with the idea being that that each of them contributed substantially to the final form of the article.
The contributions of the authors can refer to the following stages of a paper accomplishment:
  • conceptualization (conception or design of the paper);
  • data curation (acquisition/analysis/data interpretation);
  • investigation;
  • methodology;
  • project administration;
  • resources;
  • software (creation of new software used in the paper);
  • supervision;
  • validation;
  • visualization;
  • initial draft writing;
  • review and editing.

Regarding the correspondent author he/she must ensure that the following aspects have been strictly adhered to:
- Correctness of the authors’ data. Any changes to the authorship list, whether additions, deletions or rearrangements, should be made only before the manuscript has been accepted and only with the journal Editor's approval.
All authors must agree that the descriptions are valid.
- Highlighting the contribution of each author according to the categories mentioned above.
It is possible that some of the authors have multiple criteria allocated.


Once an article is accepted, the author will be asked to sign a Copyright Transfer Release Form. The corresponding author will receive an email confirming receipt of the manuscript, along with a Copyright Transfer Release Form.

Funding source

The authors are asked to identify who provided financial support for the research and/or preparation of the manuscript and to briefly describe the role of the sponsor(s), if any, in study design, data collection, analysis and interpretation, report writing, and decision to submit the manuscript for publication. It is recommended to mention if the funding source(s) had no involvement.

Open access

International Journal of Modern Manufacturing Technologies (IJMMT) is an Open Access journal which allows both members and the general public to enjoy full access to publications with no open access publication fee. Therefore, everyone will be able to read and download all articles promptly and without article processing charges.


Please write the manuscript in good English by collaborating with an English-speaking native or with an authorized language center.


Submission of the manuscript is realised by using our online loading system, which guides the author through the stages of entering article data and uploading the file in .docx and .pdf format.
All correspondence is conducted via email: editor's notification, revision requests, decisions.



Please send your questions about submissions technical issues or about the editorial process - status of papers under review, to the

Conflicts of Interest

All authors must disclose all potential conflicts of interest. The conflicts of interest include membership, employment, consultancies, stocks/shares ownership, honoraria, grants or other funding, paid expert testimonies, and patent-licensing arrangements.
It is compulsory that the manuscript must include a short declaration under "Conflicts of Interest" before the references. In case of no conflicts the manuscript must contain the declaration such as: There is no conflict of interest.

First-time checks

An editor will review each submitted manuscript once it has been received by the Editorial Office to make sure it has been properly prepared and complies with the journal's ethical standards. Before peer review, manuscripts that do not adhere to the journal's standards or ethics policy will be rejected. Unprepared manuscripts will be sent back to the authors for editing and resubmission.
After doing these checks, the managing editor will speak with the editor-in-chief or associate editors of the journal to assess whether the submission falls within the journal's scope and is of a sound scientific nature. At this point, no assessment of the work's potential impact will be made.
The Editor-in-Chief will confirm any rejection decisions.

Peer Review

A manuscript will be given to at least two impartial reviewers (external reviewers) for peer review if it passes the first-time checks. The use of a single-blind review occurs when reviewers are aware of the authors' names. Peer reviewer comments are private and will only be disclosed with the reviewer's express consent.
The editor will communicate the decision to the corresponding author, and it can be as follows:
- Minor Revisions: it means that the manuscript is essentially accepted by the reviewers and the authors have five to seven days to make changes and send back the revised manuscript;
- Major Revisions: it means that the final decision will be based on the authors changes or improvements request by the reviewers and the authors have 12-15 days for all changes but they can request to prolong it up to 30 or 45 days. The authors must send, beside the revised manuscript, all the answers for the reviewers. The journal accepts only two rounds in this revision type and if the authors still have some corrections after second round the manuscript forwarded to the next issue with the consent of authors;
- Rejection: it means that the manuscript has many lacks or it has serious problems. The editorial board may also reject an article if it has found errors on the part of the reviewers based on the principle of editorial oversight. The journal does not accept the new submission of the manuscript.

Authors Appeals

Authors can appeal a rejection decision by emailing to the Editor in Chief. The appeal must contain a clear justification, as well as all the answers to the reviewers and it can send within three months of the decision's date. After this period of time the appeal not being considered further. The appeal is made without the required format and must contain all the highlighted information.
The Editor in Chief will forward the manuscript, appeal and all the information about the reviewers to a designated member of editorial board which can recommend the appeal acceptance, new peer-review process or confirm the initial rejection decision. The Editor-in-Chief will then approve this decision and a reject decision in this step is final one.


After the final decision of manuscript accepted it will be sent to the experts for template editing, English editing, author proofreading, final adjustments, pagination, and, as a last step, publication on the website.
At this stage, if applicable, there will be the necessary correspondence between the production department and the corresponding author.

Structure of the article

Papers should be written in a clear and concise manner. The journal does not accept sequential papers, named Part 1 and Part 2. Authors should be able to present their material in a single, concise, well-structured manuscript. Follow this order when typing the manuscript: Title, Authors, Affiliations, Abstract, Keywords, Main text (including Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussions, Conclusions, Funding, Acknowledgements (if necessary), Appendix (if necessary), and References). In terms of page numbering, review manuscripts should not exceed 25-30 pages (single line spacing), while Research Article should have at least six full pages (single line spacing).

Text formatting (Layout)

The paper has to be written in .docx format. Please use the A4 Format (297 x 210 mm); Margins: top, bottom, right 15mm each and left 20mm; 1 column. Please use Times New Roman fonts and single line spacing for all the manuscript. The font formats are: paper title: 14 pt bold, capital letters; author's name(s): 12 pt bold; key words: 10 pt; chapter titles: 11pt bold, capital letters, justified; subtitles: 11 pt bold, numbered, left justified, upper and lower case; text: 11 pt.

Subdivision - numbered sections

Divide your article into distinct and numbered sections. Subsections must be labelled as 2.2 (then 2.1.1, 2.1.2,...), 2.2 and so on. Section numbering does not include the abstract.

Important title page information

Title: It must be as concise and informative as possible. The journal recommendation is to avoid abbreviations and formulas wherever possible. Names and affiliations of the authors: Please clearly indicate each author's given name(s) and family name(s), and ensure that all names are spelled correctly. Below the authors' names, list their affiliation addresses. All affiliations should be indicated with a lower-case superscript letter immediately after the author's name and before the appropriate address. Provide the full postal address of each affiliation, including the country name, as well as the e-mail address of each author, if available. Corresponding author: Make it clear who will keep the correspondence with during all stages of refereeing and publication, as well as after publication. This also includes responding to any future questions about the paper.


Abstract length must be between 130-150 words (10pt). Please take into consideration that the main sentences of the abstract must present the following aspects: placing the work in context; the purpose of the work; explaining what was done (research, methodology); indicating the main results and the most important consequence of the paper. Non-standard or uncommon abbreviations should also be avoided, but if necessary, they must be defined in the abstract itself.


Authors should select a maximum of 5-6 keywords and they must faithfully surprise the content of the paper.


In the Introduction chapter each paper is compulsory to respond of following questions: What is the actual state of the problem? What is done at international level (a literature study concluded with a short summary of the results)? What is the research methodology used in your paper? Which are the main results of your paper and application areas? What is the manuscript novelty? Furthermore, this chapter should provide adequate background information, whilst avoiding an extensive literature study or a summary of the results.

Material and methods

Provide sufficient details in such a way that the work/research can be replicated by another researcher. If some of the methods have already been described in a published article, use quotation marks and include the reference. It is necessary to describe any changes made to a previously published method.


A Theory section should extend, rather than repeat, the background to the article discussed in the Introduction and lay the groundwork for future paper. A Calculation section, on the other hand, represents a practical development from a theoretical foundation.
Regarding equations, please align them as centred and number them consecutively (with Arabic numerals) in parentheses on the right hand side of the page, as follows:
Example Formula (11pt) (1)
The equations must be written with the equations editor.

Results and Discussions

The Results chapter should be concise and clear.
The Discussion section should explore the significance of the paper results, please do not repeat them. In this chapter, an extensive discussion about published literature should be avoided, even if said literature is cited.


Conclusions must refer to the main results obtained in the paper and cannot be presented as a phrase sequence. They must be clear with coinciding explanations for the shift from one conclusion to another.


The first time an acronym appears in the paper, it must be defined. If abbreviations are used in paper abstracts, they must also be defined right next to it as well as in the paper text whenever they are used for the first time.

Funding source

List the funding source used to carry out the research in the format imposed by your institution or if you do not have a predefined one then you can follow the following model: “Funding: This paper was supported by the ABCDFG, grant number XXXX, project number YYYY. It is recommended to mention if the funding source(s) had no involvement such as: „This paper has received no external funding.”


Acknowledgements for the help provided help during the research can be mentioned (if necessary) as a separate section at the end of the manuscript before the references. The acknowledgements can refer to writing assistance, language help, proof reading etc.

Measurement Units

All measurements and data must be provided in SI units, or in an internationally recognized unit if SI units are not available. To assist the referees, editors, and readers, if you use a symbol or unit that might not be widely understood, please include an explanation in a footnote the first time you use it.


Use footnotes sparingly and only when absolutely essential. They are numbered sequentially throughout the essay. Please identify where footnotes are located in the text and include a separate list of footnotes at the conclusion of the article. Footnotes should not be included in the Reference section.


The figures have to be made in high quality (minimum 300 DPI resolution), which is suitable for reproduction and print. Please don't include the colour photos. Please place the figures as close as possible to their first reference in the paper. Explain each symbol and acronym used in the figure. The figure must be cited in the paper text as “Figure 1, Figure 2, …”. Title of the figure: noted “Fig. 1., Fig. 2…”, centred, [number of the references – if necessary], text dimension - 10 pt.


Tables should be sent as editable text, not as images. Please place the tables as close as possible to their first reference in the paper. The table must be cited in the paper text as “Table 1, Table 2, …”. Title of the figure: noted “Table 1., Table 2…”, centred, [number of the references – if necessary], text dimension - 10 pt. Any table notes should be put below the table body.


Please make sure that the reference list includes all sources cited in the text (and vice versa). A list of references should be included after the paper text and include every source that is highlighted in the text.
The reference(s) must be cited in the paper text as “[1] or [1-4]”, and the complete reference should be provided in a numerical list in the References section.
Please take into consideration that all references listed here are compulsory to be directly cited in the paper body text.
References must be provided in the format shown below:
References to a journal: (Journal abbreviations source:
1. Coelho G. A., (2006), Name of paper in Italics, Name of the journal, Vol… (No...), pp. 23-35.
Example: Tahir A., (2011), An experimental study of barreling and FEM based simulation in cold upsetting of aluminium, Int. J. of Mod. Manufact. Technol., III(1), 9-15.
Reference to a book:
2. Sevasti M., Bouzakis D., (2007), Name of paper in Italics, Name of the book, pp. 75-99, Publisher, Place of publication (City).
Reference to a chapter in an edited book:
3. Sevasti M., Bouzakis D., (2007), Name of the paper in Italics, Name of the book, Name(s) of the Editor(s), pp. 75-99, Publisher, Place of publication (City).
Reference to a Conference Proceedings:
4. Dohotaru I., Gramescu T., Zagan, R., (2005), Title of the paper in Italics, Proceedings of xxx xxx, Jones Smith (Ed./Eds), pp. 14-17, Publisher, Conference location (City).
Reference to a web site:
5. Available from: http://www.exact-address-of-site, Accessed: dd/mm/yyyy.
Example: Carausu C., Hassan A., (2006), Name of paper in italics, Available from www.exact-address-of-site, Accesed: 23/11/2010.

Uploaded document size

The size of a full paper must not exceed 2MB.

After approval

Paper Proof

The Editorial Board will try to publish your content as soon and accurately as possible.
Kindly use this paper proof to ensure that the text, tables, and figures are typeset, edited, complete, and proper.
At this stage only with permission from the Editor can be realized significant changes to the article.
After the manuscript has been checked, the corresponding author sends the work with changes, if necessary, to the journal editor.
If there are no changes, the author must still respond to the message and announce that the paper is good for publication.
It is mandatory to ensure that all corrections are returned to us in a single message.
Before responding, please double-check as the inclusion of any later corrections cannot be ensured.
The corresponding author is entirely responsible for editing.